Discover why your current social media strategy might be falling short and learn how effective social media management services can transform your online presence. This blog provides actionable insights and highlights how professional management can drive engagement, boost brand awareness, and fuel business growth.


Key Takeaways

  • Social Media Is a Game Changer: Effective social media management can significantly boost your brand’s visibility and engagement. Neglecting it could mean missing out on valuable opportunities for growth.
  • Common Pitfalls to Avoid: Inconsistent posting, lack of engagement, and failure to track performance metrics are common mistakes that can undermine your social media efforts.
  • Proven Strategies for Success: By developing a tailored social media plan, consistently engaging with your audience, and leveraging professional management services, you can transform your social media presence into a powerful tool for business growth.

Tired of Shouting into the Void on Social Media with Nothing to Show for It?

It may be time for some help with your social media management.

You did it—you’re on social media, and you’ve even posted here and there. I mean, if it’s there, people will automatically hit that “Like/Follow” button, right?


If you’re posting sporadically, engagement is lower than your Monday motivation, and your content is missing the mark, I have some bad news for you. Your social media sucks.

It can be a hard pill to swallow, and figuring out how to fix it is even harder to do. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it), you’re not alone. Managing an effective social media platform that delivers results isn’t an easy feat—especially when you’re already juggling a million other things in your business. But every missed post and every low-engagement post adds up. What many don’t realize is that a weak social media presence could be holding your business back from reaching its full potential.

This article will point out why your social media presence is underperforming, provide actionable tips to get better results and showcase how LM Creative can help you turn things around.

The Cost of Neglecting Social Media

Your Social Media Silence is Deafening

The biggest mistake I see many businesses make when it comes to social media management is inconsistent posting. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve scrolled through a channel and seen five posts in one week, only for a month (or more!) to go by without a single update. That’s a big no-no!

When your social media goes silent, your audience does, too. Neglecting your social media presence is like having a storefront with no sign; sure, it’s there, but no one knows to come in. And frankly, most people won’t care about the odd time you do decide to put the sign up.

Your audience and potential customers want to see that you’re active, engaged, and up-to-date. If you’re posting once in a blue moon or leaving outdated content to linger, it sends the wrong message: that your business is out of touch, unreliable, or, worse, nonexistent. Think about it—when was the last time you followed a brand that hadn’t posted in months? Customers expect fresh, relevant content, and if they don’t see it from you, they’ll look elsewhere.

According to Hubspot’s State of Consumer Trends in 2024 report from June, 33% of people discovered new products on social media, with 25% of social media users purchasing something directly on a social media platform. When breaking it down by generation, 43% of both Gen Z and Millennials bought a product directly within a social media app, compared to 24% of Gen X and 11% of Boomers.

Not putting effort into your online presence means missing out on new opportunities—and giving your competition a head start.

Common Social Media Management Mistakes

The Top 5 Social Media Mistakes You’re Probably Making

Everybody makes mistakes, but when you do, you usually try to correct them or avoid doing them again in the future, right? It’s the same with social media management. Here are some common mistakes people make with social media that you may be making on your own.

Posting Irregularly or Not at All

I know, we just had a whole big section about this, but I can’t say enough how important this is. Consistency. Is. Key. Even setting a goal of posting three times a week and sticking with it is better than a flurry of posts and then nothing for weeks or months. Social media isn’t a “set it and forget it” tool; it requires consistent effort to stay top of mind.

Ignoring Audience Engagement

If you’re not responding to comments and messages or engaging with your audience, you’re missing out on one of the most powerful aspects of social media: building relationships. Social media is a great tool to connect with your audience and build a deeper relationship.

Failing to Track and Analyze Metrics

Posting without checking how your content is performing is like flying blind. You need to know what’s working, what’s not, and adjust accordingly. If you’re not looking at your analytics, you could be wasting time and money on content that doesn’t connect with your audience and potential customers.

Not Having a Clear Social Media Strategy

You wouldn’t start a business without a plan, so why wing it with social media? Without a clear strategy, you’re just throwing darts blindfolded, hoping that it hits the bullseye. Having a solid plan aligns your content with your goals and audience interest. It might even help keep your sanity, which is a nice plus.

Using the Wrong Platforms for Your Audience

There are lots of great social media platforms out there, but not every platform is the right fit for your business. You need to be where your target market is. What good is it to run a social media channel that’s talking to the wrong people?

Using the Wrong Platforms for Your Resources

There are two main things to consider when deciding what platforms you should be on: where your audience is and your available resources. Yes, you need to be where your audience is, but you also need to be on platforms where you have the resources (time, money, experience, etc.) to do it well. And keep in mind that just because you don’t have the resources now doesn’t mean that you can’t add the platform into the mix later on.

The Power of Professional Social Media Management

What Happens When You Get It Right

When you develop a cohesive, well-thought-out social media strategy, the results speak for themselves. Consistent, strategic social media management isn’t just about posting pretty pictures or funny memes—it’s about building a brand that people want to connect with and trust. Let’s take a look into what happens when you finally get it right.

Increased Brand Awareness

With professional social media management, your business becomes more than just a name; it becomes recognizable. Regular posting, coupled with content that is targeted towards your target audience, puts your brand on the map. People start to associate your logo and messaging with credibility and expertise.

Higher Engagement

When your social media strategy is consistent and focused on your audience’s needs, you’re no longer shouting into the void. Instead, you’re driving real conversations with your followers. Higher engagement means more likes, comments, shares, and direct messages—and, ultimately, a stronger relationship between you and your customers.

Case Study:

Let’s talk about one of our clients for sec. We recently started working with a Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) that is responsible for promoting a region. Their social media consisted of sporadic posting, there was no plan or schedule, and the posts weren’t highlighting everything they wanted. Their goal was to reach as many people as possible on Facebook. For the first eight months of the year, their Reach was 2,605, with 5,367 Impressions and 122 Engagements. (sidenote: big credit to the volunteer for this who, despite a busy schedule, took the time to post at all).

So, what happened when we started managing their Facebook channel? In our first thirteen days managing their channel, the Reach was 15,067, with 16,084 Impressions and 1,112 Engagements.

What did we do? Our first step was to create a social media plan. We identified the target audience and developed a daily content schedule that focused on key themes tailored to the demographic. We stay on brand, on message, and produce content that the target audience wants to see.

Driving Results by Using the Right Platforms

Knowing which social media platforms are best suited for your business is key. You wouldn’t promote your annual tourism event on a professional network platform like LinkedIn. Aligning your content with the platforms where your audience spends time can drastically increase your reach and effectiveness.

Case Study:
I remember a few years ago when TikTok was the hot new player in the social media marketing game, I had a client ask if we could incorporate TikTok into the social media management mix. In theory, great idea! A new platform to try out, the target audience was migrating that way (plus, a chance to engage a younger demographic), and it would be another touch point. Except they wanted to add this additional service free of charge . . . and they didn’t have any existing video assets . . . and they didn’t have the internal resources to develop videos. Ultimately, while a good idea and something to keep in mind for the future, TikTok wasn’t a platform that made sense to use based on the client’s available resources at the time.

More Leads and Conversions

Professional social media management goes beyond likes and shares—that’s just the surface level. It’s about driving real business results. Whether you’re looking to grow your email list, increase website traffic, or boost sales, aligning your content with audience interests leads to more qualified leads and conversions.

Case Study:
For one of our trucking companies, the magic trick to improving their social media was developing a clear social media plan and strategies. Before we started working together, their social media had inconsistent posting, their messaging didn’t focus on their target audience or represent their values, and they featured mainly promotional pieces (nobody likes it when you just talk about yourself!). Their posts were aimless and scheduled just for the sake of posting something, which ultimately meant low engagement and lacklustre results.

When we started working with this client, we developed a social media plan and implemented strategies for specific goals. One of the target audiences highlighted in the plan was drivers with the strategy to use social media (Facebook specifically) for driver recruitment.

Organically, we started posting about the driver lifestyle. This included posting about quality of life, health topics, work/life balance, as well as regulations, updates, and news relating to drivers. The goal was to showcase that the company will take the extra mile (no pun intended) for their drivers and highlight more than just pay and benefits salesmanship.

Now, their Facebook channel reaches thousands of people weekly, and their driver recruiter has drivers applying regularly because of what they’ve seen on the company’s social media channels.

Actionable Tips to Improve Your Social Media Now

Quick Fixes to Boost Your Social Media Presence Today 2nd Title

There’s only one way to start seeing better results from your social media efforts: by taking action. Here are some quick, actionable tips you can implement right away to boost your online presence and engagement.

Develop a Social Media Plan

Flying by the seat of your pants on social media won’t get you far. Instead, develop a social media plan that outlines key details such as your target audience, brand voice, post themes, and a regular posting schedule. A good plan acts as your blueprint, ensuring every post aligns with your overall goals. Include things like the type of content you’ll post, the frequency of posts, and metrics you’ll track to measure success.

And sure, in your mind, you probably have a lot of these things roughly plotted out. But don’t underestimate the power of having your plan right in front of you in black and white. A social media plan keeps your strategy focused and allows for ongoing improvement as you grow. Even the actual process of developing the plan is beneficial as it can help you brainstorm and see things in a different way.

Establish a Consistent Posting Schedule

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to improve your social media game is to stick to a consistent posting schedule. Whether it’s three times a week or once a day, consistency helps keep your brand top-of-mind for your audience and shows you’re active. Try using a scheduling tool like Buffer or Hootsuite to plan ahead and stay organized.

Engage with Your Audience Regularly

Don’t just post and disappear—social media is a two-way street. If you’re not going to engage with your audience, why should they bother engaging with you? Regularly engage with your audience by responding to comments, liking posts, and creating opportunities for interaction. Ask questions in your posts, run polls, and encourage followers to share their thoughts. These small actions build relationships and foster a sense of community.

Track Key Metrics

You can’t improve what you don’t measure. Keep an eye on essential metrics like engagement rate, reach, and follower growth. Tools like Facebook Insights or Instagram Analytics give you valuable information on how your content is performing and where there’s room for improvement. And, if you’re using a scheduler like Hootsuite or Buffer, they typically offer these analytics as well. By tracking these metrics, you can tweak your strategy to get better results over time.

Tailor Your Content to Each Platform

Every platform has its quirks, and what works on one may flop on another. Instagram is all about eye-catching visuals, while LinkedIn is better suited for professional, in-depth content. Make sure you’re tailoring your posts to suit the platform you’re using to maximize engagement. Even when sharing the same information across platforms, small tweaks can make all the difference. For example, shorten your copy on Instagram to focus on visuals, create a video for TikTok, and on Facebook, include a link directly in your copy to drive traffic easily.

Feeling overwhelmed by social media management? Not sure what to post or how to tell if what you’re doing is working? We can help! If you’re ready to take your social media game to the next level, contact LM Creative for a free social media audit or consultation. We’ll assess your current strategy and provide you with actionable insights to help you grow your online presence.

How LM Creative Can Transform Your Social Media

Why You Need LM Creative in Your Corner

At LM Creative, we don’t believe in cookie-cutter solutions. There is no “one size fits all” because every business is unique, and so is your audience. That’s why we create custom social media strategies based on your brand’s goals and target demographic. Whether your focus is to attract more customers, engage your current audience, or establish your brand as a local leader, we create strategies that deliver real results.

Our Services

Our services are designed to take the stress of social media off your plate:

  • Your Content Goes Here
  • Content Creation: We create eye-catching posts, from visuals to copy, tailored to your brand and audience.
  • Scheduling & Posting: We develop a posting schedule that ensures consistency and keeps your audience engaged.
  • Analytics & Reporting: Our team tracks what works (and what doesn’t) to optimize your strategy continuously.
  • Audience Engagement: We don’t just post; we interact with your audience, respond to comments, and create a two-way conversation.

Our Process: Four Steps to Social Media Success

At LM Creative, we believe that great social media management doesn’t happen by accident—it’s the result of a clear, strategic process designed to deliver results. Here’s how we take your social media from stagnant to thriving in four simple steps:

  • Consultation: We start by understanding your business, goals, and audience.
  • Strategy Development: We develop a social media plan tailored to your specific needs.
  • Execution: Our team creates, schedules, and posts content that speaks to your audience.
  • Ongoing Optimization: We analyze performance and adjust your strategy to maximize results, ensuring continual growth.

Your Social Media Doesn’t Have to Suck

At the end of the day, your social media presence can be a powerful tool for your business, or it can collect dust—or worse, waste your time and effort. From inconsistent posting and lack of engagement to using the wrong platforms, there are plenty of ways things can go wrong. But with the right strategy in place, social media can become one of your most powerful tools for increasing brand awareness, driving engagement, and boosting business growth.

And you don’t have to do it alone. LM Creative specializes in turning lacklustre social media efforts into results-driven strategies that actually work. Whether it’s creating consistent, engaging content, tracking the metrics that matter, or connecting with your audience on the right platforms, we’ve got you covered.

Ready to transform your social media game?

Contact LM Creative today for a free social media audit or consultation, and let’s take your online presence to the next level. Don’t wait—your audience is out there, and it’s time to make sure they find you.

We’re Here To Help Your Business Grow!

Through Coaching, Consulting, and Creative Solutions Tailored for You!

The Right Team. The Right Solution.

Learn more about us and see if we’re the right addition to your team.

About LM Creative

Empowering Success Through Tailored Marketing and Creative Solutions

At LM Creative, we’re not just another agency; we’re your strategic partner in driving growth and achieving success. Specializing in rural small business, tourism, non-profit, and community economic development, we offer comprehensive services in marketing, visual storytelling, website design & SEO, and graphic design. Our expertise extends to community development corporations, tourism operators, non-profit organizations, event organizers, and the trucking industry.

We provide coaching, consulting, and creative solutions that equip business owners, employees, volunteers, and community champions with the knowledge, tools, and resources they need. Whether you need fractional marketing, a fractional CMO, or a fresh approach to visual storytelling, we’re here to bridge resource gaps, simplify complex processes, and deliver impactful results.

LM Creative is dedicated to helping you overcome challenges, build strong foundations, and achieve your goals. Let us empower you with the expertise and creative excellence you need to take charge and succeed.

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About the Author: Skylor Mitchell

Skylor is a wordsmith driven by a love for the written language. With a background in English communications, writing, and marketing, she excels in creating clear, concise, and compelling messaging. With over six years of experience, she specializes in social media management, blogging, and website design. Skylor brings a unique blend of precision and creativity to deliver impactful stories and engaging content. She is known for her consistent delivery of high-quality content that engages audiences. In her downtime, she enjoys spending time with friends and family, teaching her dogs new tricks, and imploring the world to use Oxford Commas.