Creating a standout LinkedIn profile can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re more familiar with other social media platforms. This guide will walk you through 25 tips to optimize your LinkedIn profile and boost your professional presence.


Key Takeaways

  • Transform your LinkedIn profile into a powerful networking tool.
  • Gain practical tips to enhance your professional presence and credibility.
  • Learn strategies to effectively grow your business through LinkedIn.

It’s Time to Up Our LinkedIn Game!

Growing Your Professional Network is Important.

Let’s face it – diving into LinkedIn can feel like a trip to another planet, especially if you’re used to hanging out on Facebook and Instagram. As someone who’s managed LinkedIn accounts for clients for years but is now finally taking the plunge to create my profile, I totally get it. But here’s the deal: LinkedIn isn’t just another social media platform. It’s an amazing tool for growing your business, the gateway to professional growth, networking opportunities, and being taken seriously in your field.

I’m no LinkedIn newbie, even though my profile suggests otherwise. This article is for small business owners, just like me, who juggle marketing and sales on top of everything else. It’s time to up our game, network, and become serious players in our fields. If you’re ready to up your LinkedIn game, grow your network, and boost your business, you’re in the right place. Keep reading to find out the 25 essential tips I employ for my customers and for myself (finally!).

Building Your LinkedIn Profile

A Look at LinkedIn’s Profile Sections & What You Should do with Them.

Your Name

Yes, we’re starting with the basics. Getting your name right may seem obvious – you’ve been using it all your life, right!? But you’d be surprised how many people get this one wrong. A common mistake people make is using their formal name to sound more professional – except now, people in your network can’t find you on LinkedIn. For example, your first name is Johnathan, but you go as Johnny, and everyone knows you as such. As much as you may be tempted to use your full first name for a more professional angle, your LinkedIn name should be Johnny because that’s how everyone will search for you.

  • Tip: Use the name you’re known as consistently across all professional platforms to make it easier for people to find you.

Additional Name

This is a great feature you can use to add an additional name to your profile. This is where you can add your former name, maiden name, or nickname. You can also choose the visibility options for this setting, such as only you, your connections, your network, or all LinkedIn members. Note that public profiles don’t display the additional name field, so searches done with search engines like Google will not produce any results.

  • Tip: Is your name spelled irregularly, like mine, where my parents blessed me with an ‘o’ instead of an ‘a’ in Skylor? Well, the additional name field works like a charm. I put in Skylar, made it visible only to me, and now I show up higher in the LinkedIn search results if people search for “Skylar.”

100% Completion

A complete profile increases your credibility and helps LinkedIn’s ‘People You May Know’ feature connect you with people who can help grow your LinkedIn Network and business. While you may not fill out every section – your goal should be to fill out as many as possible with relevant information.

  • Tip: Make a checklist of all LinkedIn sections and ensure each one is fully completed. Don’t feel pressured to complete everything in one sitting, either. Start with the basic info (contact, name, picture, etc.), then work your way down the list.

Your Professional Headline

Think of your Professional Headline as your personal billboard. It’s the first thing people see under your name, and it should make a statement about who you are and what you want to be known for. This 220-character space is your opportunity to use powerful keywords and make a lasting impression. Remember, if your headline is boring, so are you.

  • Tip: Incorporate key phrases that potential clients or employers might use to search for your expertise.

Professional Headshot

No, your selfie from last Saturday’s BBQ won’t cut it. Get a professional headshot. Look like the professional you are. A simple head and shoulders shot will do the trick. If you’re serious about growing your network, ensure your photo is visible to everyone (under the Visibility Options). Let them see who you are.

  • Tip: If possible, invest in a professional photographer. A high-quality image can make a significant difference. Also, if your profile picture is old enough to buy alcohol, it’s well past time to update it.

Name Pronunciation

If your name is a tongue-twister, help people out by adding an audio clip with the correct pronunciation. It’s just 10 seconds and makes a world of difference. Plus, it shows you’re thoughtful and considerate.

  • Tip: Record in a quiet place to ensure clarity and add this from the mobile app.

Your Public URL

Customize your URL to make it clean and professional. Lose the random string of letters and numbers LinkedIn gives you by default. Use your name or business name. This URL should be everywhere – your email signature, website, business cards, etc. It’s your digital ID.

  • Tip: Go to your profile settings to customize your URL under the Public Profile and URL area.

Your About Section

Tell your story. Write it for your target market, not yourself. Avoid sounding like a boring CV. Start with a punchy first paragraph that makes people want to read more. Highlight your mission, the pain points you solve, and what makes you unique. Finish strong with your contact details and a list of your top keywords.

  • Tip: Break your summary into short, impactful paragraphs. Use bullet points for easy reading.

Your Work Experience

Keep this section concise but comprehensive. Detail your roles and responsibilities, focusing on achievements. Your current position should always be up to date. Use bullet points to keep it readable.

  • Tip: Use action verbs and quantify achievements with numbers whenever possible.

Add Skills to Your Profile

List the skills you want to be known for and keep them relevant. Don’t add every skill under the sun – stick to 25-30 core skills. This will make endorsements meaningful and boost your profile’s credibility.

  • Tip: Regularly update your skills to reflect new proficiencies and remove those you no longer want to be known for.

Your Featured Section

Add media links to give your profile a visual impact. PDFs, documents, presentations, videos, images – whatever showcases your work best. Aim for 6-12 media items. Ensure these support your profile text and give visitors a complete picture of your professional story.

  • Tip: Choose high-quality visuals that complement your professional narrative.

Publications and Projects

Showcase any books, articles, or papers you’ve published. If they’re available online, link them to drive sales and build credibility. Publishing shows you’re an expert in your field, so flaunt it.

  • Tip: Add a brief description for each publication to highlight its significance.

Volunteer Experience and Causes

Detail your volunteer work to add a human touch and show potential connections and employers another side of you. It’s not all business – show your commitment to giving back.

  • Tip: Focus on volunteer roles that align with your professional values.

Honours and Awards

List your honours and awards to add more credibility. This section can set you apart and highlight your achievements. Don’t be modest – this is your time to shine.

  • Tip: Include the date and a brief description for each award.

Licenses and Certifications

Relevant licenses and certifications should be listed here. This section is crucial for professions that require specific qualifications. Show you’re qualified and credible.

  • Tip: Provide details about the issuing authority and the date of certification.


It’s optional, but adding pronouns can showcase your commitment to diversity and inclusion. It’s a small addition that can greatly impact how you’re perceived.

  • Tip: Add pronouns you are comfortable with and align with your identity.

Courses and Test Scores

This section is important for those looking for new positions or wanting to demonstrate expertise. Listing relevant courses and impressive test scores can bolster your profile and show your dedication to continuous learning.

  • Tip: List courses that are directly relevant to your career goals.

Keywords to Get You Found

Use keywords throughout your profile. Think like an SEO guru – your profile can rank in Google searches if you keyword it right. Use your main search terms in every section to boost visibility.

  • Tip: Research popular keywords in your industry and integrate them naturally into your profile.


Recommendations are testimonials from colleagues, clients, or mentors. These add significant credibility. Ask for recommendations and give them in return. It’s a win-win.

  • Tip: Request recommendations after completing significant projects or collaborations.


The Interests section can reflect your personal and professional interests. Follow companies, influencers, and groups relevant to your industry to keep your feed interesting and show your passion.

  • Tip: Regularly update your interests to reflect new trends and changes in your field.


This section includes Publications, Certifications, Patents, Courses, Projects, Honors & Awards, Test Scores, Languages, and Organizations. Detailing your accomplishments makes your profile stand out and provides a comprehensive view of your professional life.

  • Tip: Be specific and provide context for each accomplishment.

Background Photo

Your background photo (banner image) should complement your professional image. Choose an image that reflects your industry or brand. This subtle touch can enhance your profile’s aesthetics.

  • Tip: Ensure the image is high-resolution, relevant to your profession, or shows your personality.

Following & Groups

Engage with LinkedIn groups relevant to the target markets you are trying to attract or your industry. Being active in groups increases visibility and provides networking opportunities. Follow influencers and companies in your field to stay updated on industry trends.

  • Tip: Participate in group discussions to showcase your expertise and expand your network.

Validating Your Profile

A verification badge next to your name shows you’ve confirmed specific information about your account, such as your identity, workplace, or educational institution. This not only enhances your credibility but also helps others make informed decisions about connecting with you.

  • Tip: LinkedIn will walk you through the validation process, just follow the steps.

Services Section

If you are a service provider, the Services section on LinkedIn is a must-use feature. This section allows you to showcase your services, making it easier for potential clients to find you!

  • Tip: Focus on 3 to 5 core services that best describe your services. Use keywords in the Services About Section (and throughout your profile) that potential clients might search for and regularly update this section to reflect any new services you provide.

Let’s make the most out of LinkedIn

There you have it, 25 essential tips to build your LinkedIn Profile like a pro. Remember, your LinkedIn profile isn’t just some digital business card gathering virtual dust. It’s a tool for professional growth, networking, and being taken seriously in your field.

Don’t stress about getting everything perfect in one day. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a killer LinkedIn profile. Work at it over a couple of days, a week, or even a month. Just make sure to keep developing each section until it’s all done. Make it a part of your regular to-do list, and soon enough, you’ll have a profile that stands out.

And hey, my profile is still a work in progress too, and that’s okay. We’re all in this together. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn so we can build our networks and support each other. Let’s make the most out of LinkedIn and take our businesses to the next level.

Keep hustling, stay focused, and watch your business grow!

We Can Help You Grow!

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Are you struggling to create your LinkedIn profile or make it stand out? As the Content Strategist at LM Creative, one of my specialties is providing social media management and social media support services, including LinkedIn. If you need help transforming your profile into an amazing networking tool that gets you noticed, I’d love to help! Together, we’ll create your story and share it with the world. Contact us today and discover your LinkedIn solution.

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About LM Creative

Empowering Success Through Tailored Marketing and Creative Solutions

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We provide coaching, consulting, and creative solutions that equip business owners, employees, volunteers, and community champions with the knowledge, tools, and resources they need. Whether you need fractional marketing, a fractional CMO, or a fresh approach to visual storytelling, we’re here to bridge resource gaps, simplify complex processes, and deliver impactful results.

LM Creative is dedicated to helping you overcome challenges, build strong foundations, and achieve your goals. Let us empower you with the expertise and creative excellence you need to take charge and succeed.

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About the Author: Skylor Mitchell

Skylor is a wordsmith driven by a love for the written language. With a background in English communications, writing, and marketing, she excels in creating clear, concise, and compelling messaging. With over six years of experience, she specializes in social media management, blogging, and website design. Skylor brings a unique blend of precision and creativity to deliver impactful stories and engaging content. She is known for her consistent delivery of high-quality content that engages audiences. In her downtime, she enjoys spending time with friends and family, teaching her dogs new tricks, and imploring the world to use Oxford Commas.